Missions Ministry

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Missions Ministry

Missions at Eastside

Eastside is home to many missionary families, which is testament to the extent Eastside endeavours to be true to the great commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28.

At Eastside, we cultivate and grow missionaries who minister both in and outside of our immediate community (specifically partnering with under-resourced churches in the Pretoria surrounds) and abroad. They also focus on “high impact areas” in our local community.

In our local context, Abbas Pride is the expression of Eastside Missions ministry.

Visit Abbas Pride

Our ‘mission’ is to reach into our congregation in order to encourage and inspire local believers, and to reach outwards, in order to take ground and win lives for Jesus.

Each campus of Eastside Community Church aims to represent a local resource and base for Christians in that particular community.

In addition to the many missions organizations we partner with, we have an ‘in-house’ missions ministry headed up by Lonne & Debbie Warren of Abbas Pride ministry. They facilitate all aspects of our rural church partnership, feeding projects and early childhood centre.


Our big annual missions focus at Eastside is our “trailer ministry” which takes children’s holiday clubs to a number of churches around the Pretoria area.  This is a time of training, service and much fun with children and church volunteers.


Every year, we also feed many families through our ‘Family to Family’ Christmas project where children who are fed at creche’s during the term, are able to get a meal every day of the holiday.

Eastside is registered as a NPO.  For more information, download our  NPO Profile